Schneider CCT15232

Schneider CCT15232

Product no.: CCT15232

Order item, 3 working days regular delivery time Estimated delivery date follows with order confirmation.

Prices include VAT, plus delivery
Delivery weight: 0.1 kg

Available delivery methods: Customer pickup, Austia, Benelux, France, Italy, Poland, Czech Republic, Shipping Germany, Shipping to a packing station
Technical data
Mounting method:DIN rail
Width in number of modular spacings:1
Built-in depth:66
Number of normally open contacts:1
Number of normally closed contacts:0
Number of change-over contacts:0
Control voltage 1:230 - 230
Type of control voltage 1:AC
Frequency control voltage 1:50 - 60
Frequency control voltage 2:50 - 50
Rated switch current:16
Supply voltage:230 - 230
Voltage type of supply voltage:AC
Max, incandescent lamp load:2300
Max, load fluorescent lamp:2300
Max, load fluorescent lamp (Duo circuit):
Max, load fluorescent lamp (parallel compensated):
Max, switching current (cos phi = 0,6):
Weight: 0,1kg
Datasheet (pdf):Datasheet CCT15232
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