Schneider KSA250ED4081

Schneider KSA250ED4081

Product no.: KSA250ED4081

Order item, 16 working days regular delivery time Estimated delivery date follows with order confirmation.

Prices include VAT, plus delivery
Delivery weight: 9 kg

Available delivery methods: Customer pickup, Austia, Benelux, France, Italy, Poland, Czech Republic, Shipping Germany, Shipping to a packing station
Technical data
Number of poles:3
Degree of protection (IP):IP55
Number of conductors (without earthing):4
Rated current at AC 50 Hz:250
Rated voltage at AC 50 Hz:230 - 690
Number of tap-off units:1
Expansion equalization:no
Fireproof bulkhead:no
Weight: 9,0kg
Datasheet (pdf):Datasheet KSA250ED4081
Browse these categories as well: Schienenverteilereinheit_fuer_Steigleitung, Schienenverteilereinheit_fuer_Steigleitung