Weidmueller WEID9202250000

Weidmueller WEID9202250000

Product no.: WEID9202250000

Order item, 7 working days regular delivery time Estimated delivery date follows with order confirmation.

Prices include VAT, plus delivery
Delivery weight: 0.1 kg

Available delivery methods: Customer pickup, Austia, Benelux, France, Italy, Poland, Czech Republic, Shipping Germany, Shipping to a packing station
Technical data
Strip range cross-section:1,5 - 1,5
Strip range AWG:- - -
Strip range diameter:- - -
Strip length adjustable:-
Depth of notch adjustable:-
Jaw length:-
Head width:-
Head height:-
Longitudinal section:no
Round edge:no
Spiral cut:-
With wire cutter:yes
Isolation protection 1000 V:no
Grip design:-
VDE tested:-
ESD tested:
With impact protection:
Weight: 0,7kg
Datasheet (pdf):Datasheet 9202250000


Product Note Status Price
Weidmueller  WEID9203100000 Weidmueller WEID9203100000
13.14 € *
Delivery weight: 0.1 kg
Prices include VAT, plus delivery
Display accessory details

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